
The History of Philosophy Roundtable [HOPR] was founded in 2002 by Don Rutherford, and meets regularly during the academic year to discuss work in progress by graduate students and faculty on topics in the history of philosophy. Most of the papers are by UCSD department members, but we also welcome occasional visitors. If you are in the area or will be visiting San Diego and would like to participate, please contact Patricia Marechal (pmarechal [at] ucsd.edu).

Our meetings are held in the Philosophy Department library, 8th floor H&SS bldg (#250), room 8025, on Fridays from 2:15-3:45pm. Papers to be discussed are circulated electronically approximately one week before the scheduled meeting, to be read ahead of time, with the format of the meetings themselves focusing on discussion with the author.

To receive announcements about the HOPR schedule and receive the HOPR papers electronically, you may subscribe to the HOPR email list (HOPR-L) by sending an email to pmarechal [at] ucsd.edu.